Wednesday 16 January 2013

                                                                       London Riots

I don't know anything about the London Riots, but I think when rioters don't like something about their lives they protest against the government or something, and they try to change governments or people`s ideas. They use banners, loud voices and they fight with the police for their protest. It is very bad for other people because sometimes riots damage their workplace or shopping places.

              Tottenham High Road in London during protests on August 6, 2011. Matthew Lloyd

Why did the riots happen?

Alison Saunders (2011), Chief Crown Prosecutor for London, suggest "Their actions terrified innocent members of the public and they left a trail of destruction in their path.
When the government creates some wrong ideas for its people, those people can start to protest against these ideas. It is very bad for a considerable number of people because it looks likes terror.The judge Tom Carter (2011) said: "It was a year ago today you were involved in the mob criminality that so disturbed the law-abiding public. When they start to fight with police, it is very bad for other people because they damage a considerable number of workplaces, cars and homes. When they fight a substantial number of people can bruise and some people can die. Shapps (2011) said "If someone has traveled for those riots, then the fact you have committed it in the next-door borough or somewhere else should count equally."

Bibliography :
 Carter T. (2011) Available at :
( Accessed 14 January 2013 ) (2011) Available at :
( Accessed 14 January 2013 )

Saunders A. (2011) Available at :
( Accessed 14 January 2013 )

Shapps (2011) Available at :

( Accessed 14 January 2013 )

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