Thursday 24 January 2013



Vector Illustration Of A Man In Jail Royalty Free Cliparts, Vectors (2008)

1- Should the death penalty exist as a punishment for murder or terrorism ?

Today murder or terrorism is the biggest crime in the world and the death penalty is good for them because

they killed the acquited people.BBC (2000)  'A major study of capital punishment recently suggested that

more than two-thirds of convictions in the US are so flawed that they are overturned on appeal'.

2- Should the main purpose of prison be punishment or rehabilitation ?
It should be rehabilitation due to some of them had the wrong guidance in there life .Benson (2003) "Prisoners were encouraged to develop occupational skills and to resolve psychological problems--such as substance abuse or aggression--that might interfere with their reintegration into society."

3- What is the best way to deal with juvenile crime such as * joy-riding ?
* vandalism ?
* graffiti ?

In my opinion the best way is the several day they need to stay in prison.

4- Is it ever right for political acivists o break the law ?No, because if they break the law they Contradict themselves

5- How strict should the law be with people who drink and drive ?They should Warn them and the drink drivers should pay money and if they do it again they need to stay several day in the prison.

6- Which is the more serious problem in your country - tax evasion or social security fraud ?

In my country tax evasion is the more serious problem.

7- Should the police have the right to stop and search you in the street without a warrant ?No they shouldnt because people do not like this and sometimes it becomes very bad.

8- Should the law respect the rights of homeless people to squat in unoccupied property or shop doorways ?They dont have the right to live in other people property because its private. The governments should give them jobs to get home or give them places to live in .

9- Should smoking cannabis be a criminal offence ?It should because their negative impact on the people who use it they become addicted and they can die.

Bibliography :

BBC (2000) Deathly Penalty ? Available at :

(Accessed : 23 January 2013 )

Benson, E. (2003) Rehabilitate or punish? Available at

(Accessed : 23 January 2013 )

Vector (2008) Available at :
(Accessed : 23 January 2013 )

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