Glamorgan Life
Glamorgan University (2009)
When I start my university I started a new life with university and its name is university life.
When i study in my country I do not have any responsibility because my parents do
everything for me but know it is very difficult for me because I have a lot of responsibilities.
but university life is very good because i met a lot of people in the university and outside. On
the other hand my English become better and I can talk exactly now. Everything is very
good just the weather is not good for me because in the Cyprus the weather is always hot
but in the Cardiff its always raining and always cold so I need to adapt this weathers.
However, Cyprus and UK do not have very big difference so everything is okay and it is
very good adventure for me without my family and without my friends.
Glamorgan University (2009) Available at:
Accessed(15 March 2013)