Thursday 14 February 2013

Famous Sports In The UK

                                                     Famous Sports In The UK

The most popular sports in modern-day England are:

• Rugby
• Cricket
• Football

Significantly, football and cricket both have their roots in England and are now two of the most popular, successful and lucrative sports in the entire world. Sports that are played on an individual basis and feature highly in England include:

• Tennis
• Golf
• Athletics
• Motor sport
• Horse racing

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• Rugby

 Stocker M.(2010) suggest: Rugby is so popular in the UK because it was invented here so weve had a long time to build good facilities for everyone to use, it is also a sport that everyone can play nomatter how fast or strong you are.
6million people tune in to watch this every year in UK alone rugby is a diffrent sport to all the others. becauses its fun.

• Cricket Bradman D. (2013) said: Cricket was invented in the vast fields of England, supposedly by shepherds who herded their flock. Later on this game was shown benevolence by aristocrats, and now has the stature of being England's national game. After a century now, cricket stands in the international arena, with a place of its own.

• FootballCharlton B. (2013) said: Football dates back hundreds of years. Nowadays it is England's premier sport. There are a total of 92 professional clubs in the English Football League. Most players are semi-professional, and have full time jobs as well. The highlight of the English football year is the FA Cup Final, held each year in May.

The English love football so much that they have turned most of their main players into elebrities; who are always at the centre of the media's attention. The likes of David Beckham, Bobby Charlton and George Best have become heroes for the hundreds of thousands of kids who are out having fun, playing football in parks, playgrounds and on the streets.

Bradman, D. (2013) Cricket. Available at: (Accessed : 07 February 2013).

Charlton, B. (2013) Football. Available at: (Accessed : 07 February 2013).

Stocker, M. (2010) Rugby. Available at:
(Accessed : 07 February 2013).

Sports Direct (2013) Famous Sports In The UK. Available at:  (Accessed : 07 February 2013).

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